fastoad.gui.variable_viewer module

Defines the variable viewer for postprocessing

class fastoad.gui.variable_viewer.VariableViewer[source]

Bases: object

A class for interacting with FAST-OAD files. The file data is stored in a pandas DataFrame. The class built so that a modification of the DataFrame is instantly replicated on the file file. The interaction is achieved using a user interface built with widgets from ipywidgets and Sheets from ipysheet.

A classical usage of this class will be:

df = VariableViewer()  # instantiation of dataframe
file = AbstractOMFileIO('problem_outputs.file') #  instantiation of file io
df.load(file)  # load the file
df.display()  # renders a ui for reading/modifying the file

The path of the data file that will be viewed/edited


The dataframe which is the mirror of self.file

load(file_path: str, file_formatter: Optional[] = None)[source]

Loads the file and stores its data.

  • file_path – the path of file to interact with

  • file_formatter – the formatter that defines file format. If not provided, default format will be assumed.

save(file_path: Optional[str] = None, file_formatter: Optional[] = None)[source]

Save the dataframe to the file.

  • file_path – the path of file to save. If not given, the initially read file will be overwritten.

  • file_formatter – the formatter that defines file format. If not provided, default format will be assumed.


Displays the datasheet :return display of the user interface:

load_variables(variables: fastoad.openmdao.variables.variable_list.VariableList, attribute_to_column: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)[source]

Loads provided variable list and replace current data set.

  • variables – the variables to load

  • attribute_to_column – dictionary keys tell what variable attributes are kept and the values tell what name will be displayed. If not provided, default translation will apply.

get_variables(column_to_attribute: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) fastoad.openmdao.variables.variable_list.VariableList[source]

column_to_attribute – dictionary keys tell what columns are kept and the values tell what variable attribute it corresponds to. If not provided, default translation will apply.


a variable list from current data set