fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.registered.takeoff.end_of_takeoff module

Classes for climb/descent segments.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.registered.takeoff.end_of_takeoff.EndOfTakeoffSegment(name: str = '', target: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint = <object object>, isa_offset: float = 0.0, propulsion: fastoad.model_base.propulsion.IPropulsion = <object object>, polar: fastoad.models.performances.mission.polar.Polar = <object object>, polar_modifier: fastoad.models.performances.mission.polar_modifier.AbstractPolarModifier = UnchangedPolar(), reference_area: float = <object object>, time_step: float = 0.1, maximum_CL: Optional[float] = None, altitude_bounds: tuple = (-500.0, 40000.0), mach_bounds: tuple = (-1e-06, 5.0), interrupt_if_getting_further_from_target: bool = True, engine_setting: fastoad.constants.EngineSetting = EngineSetting.CLIMB, thrust_rate: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.time_step_base.AbstractTakeOffSegment

Computes a flight path segment where altitude is modified with constant pitch angle. As a result, the slope angle and angle of attack are changing through time. Updates are based on longitudinal dynamics equations simplifies with the assumption of constant pitch angle.


Setting target

Target is an altitude and should be set to the safety altitude.

compute_next_flight_point(flight_points: List[fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint], time_step: float) fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint[source]

Computes time, altitude, speed, mass and ground distance of next flight point.

  • flight_points – previous flight points

  • time_step – time step for computing next point


the computed next flight point

complete_flight_point(flight_point: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint)[source]

Redefinition, computes data for provided flight point.

Assumes that it is already defined for time, altitude, mass, ground distance and speed (TAS, EAS, or Mach).


flight_point – the flight point that will be completed in-place

get_distance_to_target(flight_points: List[fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint], target: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint) float[source]

Computes a “distance” from last flight point to target.

Computed does not need to have a real meaning. The important point is that it must be signed so that algorithm knows on which “side” of the target we are. And of course, it should be 0. if flight point is on target.

  • flight_points – list of all currently computed flight_points

  • target – segment target (will not contain relative values)


  1. if target is attained, a non-null value otherwise

get_next_alpha(previous_point: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint, time_step: float) float[source]

Computes angle of attack (alpha) based on gamma_dot, using constant pitch angle assumption.

  • previous_point – the flight point from which next alpha is computed

  • time_step – the duration between computed flight point and previous_point

static compute_next_gamma(next_point: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint, previous_point: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint)[source]

Computes slope angle (gamma) based on gamma_dot

  • next_point – the next flight point

  • previous_point – the flight point from which next gamma is computed

get_gamma_and_acceleration(flight_point: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint)[source]

Redefinition : computes slope angle derivative (gamma_dot) and x-acceleration. Replaces CL, CD, lift dan drag values (for ground effect and accelerated flight)


flight_point – parameters after propulsion model has been called (i.e. mass, thrust and drag are available)

property target: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint

The base class of the class hierarchy.

When called, it accepts no arguments and returns a new featureless instance that has no instance attributes and cannot be given any.