Adding segment types

In FAST-OAD mission module, segments are the base building blocks used in the mission definition file. They are implemented in Python and FAST-OAD offers a set of segment types that allows defining typical aircraft mission profiles.

Yet, the need for some other segment types may occur. This is why FAST-OAD mission module is designed so that any user can develop new segment types and use them in a custom mission file.

First of all, be aware that segment implementation relies on Python dataclasses. This chapter will assume you already know how it works.

Implementation of a segment class

The AbstractFlightSegment class

As previously said, a segment class has to inherit from AbstractFlightSegment (and specify the mission_file_keyword if its usage is intended in mission definition files) and will be implemented like this:

import fastoad.api as oad
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List

class NewSegment(oad.AbstractFlightSegment, mission_file_keyword="new_segment"):
    my_float: float = 0.0

The main field of the class will be target, provided as a FlightPoint instance, which will contain the flight point parameters set as target in the mission definition file.

The instantiation in FAST-OAD will be like this:

import fastoad.api as oad

segment = NewSegment( target=oad.FlightPoint(altitude=5000.0, true_airspeed=200.0),


Instantiation arguments will always be passed as keyword arguments (this behavior can be enforced only for Python 3.10+).

The new class will have to implement the method compute_from_start_to_target() that will be in charge of computing the flight points between a provided start and a provided target (providing the result as a pandas DataFrame)


The mission computation will actually call the method compute_from(), that will do the computation between provided start and the target defined at instantiation (i.e. in the mission definition file).

This method does some generic pre-processing of start and target before calling compute_from_start_to_target(). Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, implementing the latter will be the correct thing to do.

The AbstractTimeStepFlightSegment class

AbstractTimeStepFlightSegment is a base class for segments that do time step computations.

This class has 4 main additional fields:

  • propulsion, that is expected to be an IPropulsion instance.

  • polar, that is expected to be a Polar instance.

  • reference_area, that provides the reference surface area consistently with provided aerodynamic polar.

  • time_step, that sets the time step for resolution. It is set with a low enough default value.

An inheritor class will have to provide the implementations for 3 methods that are used at each computed time step: get_distance_to_target(), compute_propulsion() and get_gamma_and_acceleration(). (see each method documentation for more information)

There are some specialized base classes that provide a partial implementation of AbstractTimeStepFlightSegment: