Source code for fastoad.models.aerodynamics.aerodynamics_landing

Aero computation for landing phase
#  This file is part of FAST : A framework for rapid Overall Aircraft Design
#  Copyright (C) 2020  ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO
#  FAST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
from fastoad.models.options import OpenMdaoOptionDispatcherGroup
from fastoad.utils.physics import Atmosphere

from .components.compute_max_cl_landing import ComputeMaxClLanding
from .components.high_lift_aero import ComputeDeltaHighLift
from .external.xfoil import XfoilPolar
from .external.xfoil.xfoil_polar import OPTION_XFOIL_EXE_PATH

[docs]class AerodynamicsLanding(OpenMdaoOptionDispatcherGroup): """ Computes aerodynamic characteristics at landing. - Computes CL and CD increments due to high-lift devices at landing. - Computes maximum CL of the aircraft in landing conditions. Maximum 2D CL without high-lift is computed using XFoil (or provided as input if option use_xfoil is set to False). 3D CL is deduced using sweep angle. Contribution of high-lift devices is modelled according to their geometry (span and chord ratio) and their deflection angles. Options: - use_xfoil: - if True, maximum 2D CL without high-lift aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean_2D is computed using XFOIL - if False, aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean_2D must be provided as input (but process is faster) - alpha_min, alpha_max: - used if use_xfoil is True. Sets the alpha range that is explored to find maximum 2D CL without high-lift - xfoil_exe_path: - the path to the XFOIL executable. Needed for non-Windows OS. """
[docs] def initialize(self): self.options.declare("use_xfoil", default=True, types=bool) self.options.declare("xfoil_alpha_min", default=0.0, types=float) self.options.declare("xfoil_alpha_max", default=30.0, types=float) self.options.declare("xfoil_iter_limit", default=500, types=int) self.options.declare(OPTION_XFOIL_EXE_PATH, default="", types=str, allow_none=True)
[docs] def setup(self): self.add_subsystem("mach_reynolds", ComputeMachReynolds(), promotes=["*"]) if self.options["use_xfoil"]: start = self.options["xfoil_alpha_min"] end = self.options["xfoil_alpha_max"] iter_limit = self.options["xfoil_iter_limit"] self.add_subsystem( "xfoil_run", XfoilPolar(alpha_start=start, alpha_end=end, iter_limit=iter_limit), promotes=["data:geometry:wing:thickness_ratio"], ) self.add_subsystem("CL_2D_to_3D", Compute3DMaxCL(), promotes=["*"]) self.add_subsystem( "delta_cl_landing", ComputeDeltaHighLift(landing_flag=True), promotes=["*"] ) self.add_subsystem("compute_max_cl_landing", ComputeMaxClLanding(), promotes=["*"]) if self.options["use_xfoil"]: self.connect("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:mach", "xfoil_run.xfoil:mach") self.connect("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:reynolds", "xfoil_run.xfoil:reynolds") self.connect( "xfoil_run.xfoil:CL_max_2D", "data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean_2D" )
[docs]class ComputeMachReynolds(om.ExplicitComponent): """ Mach and Reynolds computation """
[docs] def setup(self): self.add_input("data:geometry:wing:MAC:length", val=np.nan, units="m") self.add_input("data:TLAR:approach_speed", val=np.nan, units="m/s") self.add_output("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:mach") self.add_output("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:reynolds") self.declare_partials("*", "*", method="fd")
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs, discrete_inputs=None, discrete_outputs=None): l0_wing = inputs["data:geometry:wing:MAC:length"] speed = inputs["data:TLAR:approach_speed"] atm = Atmosphere(0.0, 15.0) mach = speed / atm.speed_of_sound reynolds = atm.get_unitary_reynolds(mach) * l0_wing outputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:mach"] = mach outputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:reynolds"] = reynolds
[docs]class Compute3DMaxCL(om.ExplicitComponent): """ Computes 3D max CL from 2D CL (XFOIL-computed) and sweep angle """
[docs] def setup(self): self.add_input("data:geometry:wing:sweep_25", val=np.nan, units="rad") self.add_input("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean_2D", val=np.nan) self.add_output("data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean") self.declare_partials("*", "*", method="fd")
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs, discrete_inputs=None, discrete_outputs=None): sweep_25 = inputs["data:geometry:wing:sweep_25"] cl_max_2d = inputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean_2D"] outputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:landing:CL_max_clean"] = ( cl_max_2d * 0.9 * np.cos(sweep_25) )