Source code for fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.mission_wrapper

Mission wrapper.
#  This file is part of FAST-OAD : A framework for rapid Overall Aircraft Design
#  Copyright (C) 2021 ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO
#  FAST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
import pandas as pd
from openmdao.vectors.vector import Vector

from fastoad.model_base import FlightPoint
from fastoad.models.aerodynamics.constants import POLAR_POINT_COUNT
from ..base import FlightSequence
from ..mission_definition.mission_builder import MissionBuilder
from ..mission_definition.schema import (

    "altitude": "m",
    "true_airspeed": "m/s",
    "equivalent_airspeed": "m/s",
    "range": "m",
    "time": "s",
    "ground_distance": "m",

[docs]class MissionWrapper(MissionBuilder): """ Wrapper around :class:`MissionBuilder` for using with OpenMDAO """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mission_name = None
[docs] def setup(self, component: om.ExplicitComponent, mission_name: str = None): """ To be used during setup() of provided OpenMDAO component. It adds input and output variables deduced from mission definition file. :param component: the OpenMDAO component where the setup is done. :param mission_name: mission name (can be omitted if only one mission is defined) """ if mission_name is None: mission_name = self.get_unique_mission_name() self.mission_name = mission_name input_definition = self.get_input_variables(mission_name) output_definition = self._identify_outputs() output_definition = { name: value for name, value in output_definition.items() if name not in input_definition } for name, (units, desc) in input_definition.items(): if name.endswith(":CD") or name.endswith(":CL"): component.add_input(name, np.nan, shape=POLAR_POINT_COUNT, desc=desc) else: component.add_input(name, np.nan, units=units, desc=desc) for name, (units, desc) in output_definition.items(): component.add_output(name, units=units, desc=desc)
[docs] def compute( self, inputs: Vector, outputs: Vector, start_flight_point: FlightPoint ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ To be used during compute() of an OpenMDAO component. Builds the mission from input file, and computes it. `outputs` vector is filled with duration, burned fuel and covered ground distance for each part of the flight. :param inputs: the input vector of the OpenMDAO component :param outputs: the output vector of the OpenMDAO component :param start_flight_point: the starting flight point just after takeoff :return: a pandas DataFrame where columns names match :meth:`fastoad.base.flight_point.FlightPoint.get_attribute_keys` """ mission =, self.mission_name) def _compute_vars(name_root, start: FlightPoint, end: FlightPoint): """Computes duration, burned fuel and covered distance.""" if name_root + ":duration" in outputs: outputs[name_root + ":duration"] = end.time - start.time if name_root + ":fuel" in outputs: outputs[name_root + ":fuel"] = start.mass - end.mass if name_root + ":distance" in outputs: outputs[name_root + ":distance"] = end.ground_distance - start.ground_distance if not = mission.flight_sequence[0].name current_flight_point = start_flight_point flight_points = mission.compute_from(start_flight_point) for part in mission.flight_sequence: var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % part_end = FlightPoint.create( flight_points.loc[].iloc[-1] ) _compute_vars(var_name_root, current_flight_point, part_end) if isinstance(part, FlightSequence): # In case of a route, outputs are computed for each phase in the route phase_start = current_flight_point for phase in part.flight_sequence: phase_points = flight_points.loc[ ==] if len(phase_points) > 0: phase_end = FlightPoint.create(phase_points.iloc[-1]) var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % _compute_vars(var_name_root, phase_start, phase_end) phase_start = phase_end current_flight_point = part_end # Outputs for the whole mission var_name_root = "data:mission:%s" % _compute_vars(var_name_root, start_flight_point, current_flight_point) return flight_points
[docs] def get_reserve_variable_name(self) -> str: """ :return: the name of OpenMDAO variable for fuel reserve. This name is among the declared outputs in :meth:`setup`. """ return "data:mission:%s:reserve:fuel" % self.mission_name
def _identify_outputs(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]: """ Builds names of OpenMDAO outputs from names of mission, route and phases. :return: dictionary with variable name as key and unit, description as value """ output_definition = {} output_definition.update(self._add_vars(self.mission_name)) for part in self.definition[MISSION_DEFINITION_TAG][self.mission_name][PARTS_TAG]: if PHASE_TAG in part: phase_name = part[PHASE_TAG] output_definition.update(self._add_vars(self.mission_name, phase_name=phase_name)) elif ROUTE_TAG in part: route_name = part[ROUTE_TAG] output_definition.update(self._add_vars(self.mission_name, route_name)) route_definition = self.definition[ROUTE_DEFINITIONS_TAG][route_name] for part_definition in list( route_definition[CLIMB_PARTS_TAG] + route_definition[DESCENT_PARTS_TAG] ): phase_name = part_definition[PHASE_TAG] output_definition.update( self._add_vars(self.mission_name, route_name, phase_name) ) output_definition.update(self._add_vars(self.mission_name, route_name, "cruise")) elif RESERVE_TAG in part: output_definition[self.get_reserve_variable_name()] = ( "kg", 'reserve fuel for mission "%s"' % self.mission_name, ) return output_definition @staticmethod def _add_vars(mission_name, route_name=None, phase_name=None) -> dict: """ Builds names of OpenMDAO outputs for provided mission, route and phase names. :param mission_name: :param route_name: :param phase_name: :return: dictionary with variable name as key and unit, description as value """ output_definition = {} name_root = ":".join( name for name in ["data:mission", mission_name, route_name, phase_name] if name ) if route_name and phase_name: flight_part_desc = 'phase "%s" of route "%s" in mission "%s"' % ( phase_name, route_name, mission_name, ) elif route_name: flight_part_desc = 'route "%s" in mission "%s"' % (route_name, mission_name,) elif phase_name: flight_part_desc = 'phase "%s" in mission "%s"' % (phase_name, mission_name,) else: flight_part_desc = 'mission "%s"' % (mission_name,) output_definition[name_root + ":duration"] = ("s", "duration of %s" % flight_part_desc) output_definition[name_root + ":fuel"] = ( "kg", "burned fuel during %s" % flight_part_desc, ) output_definition[name_root + ":distance"] = ( "m", "covered ground distance during %s" % flight_part_desc, ) return output_definition