Source code for fastoad.models.performances.mission.openmdao.mission

OpenMDAO component for time-step computation of missions.
#  This file is part of FAST-OAD : A framework for rapid Overall Aircraft Design
#  Copyright (C) 2021 ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO
#  FAST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from importlib.resources import path

import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
import pandas as pd
from scipy.constants import foot

from fastoad.model_base import FlightPoint
from fastoad.model_base.propulsion import FuelEngineSet, IOMPropulsionWrapper
from fastoad.module_management.constants import ModelDomain
from fastoad.module_management.service_registry import RegisterOpenMDAOSystem, RegisterPropulsion
from . import resources
from .mission_wrapper import MissionWrapper
from ..mission_definition.schema import MissionDefinition
from ..polar import Polar
from import BreguetCruiseSegment
from import TaxiSegment

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # Logger for this module

[docs]@RegisterOpenMDAOSystem("fastoad.performances.mission", domain=ModelDomain.PERFORMANCE) class Mission(om.Group): """ Computes a mission as specified in mission input file. """
[docs] def initialize(self): self.options.declare( "propulsion_id", default="", types=str, desc="(mandatory) The identifier of the propulsion wrapper.", ) self.options.declare( "out_file", default="", types=str, desc="If provided, a csv file will be written at provided path with all computed " "flight points.", ) self.options.declare( "mission_file_path", default="::sizing_mission", types=(str, MissionDefinition), allow_none=True, desc="The path to file that defines the mission.\n" 'If can also begin with two colons "::" to use pre-defined missions:\n' ' - "::sizing_mission" : design mission for CeRAS-01\n' ' - "::breguet" : a simple mission with Breguet formula for cruise, and input\n' " coefficients for fuel reserve and fuel consumption during climb and descent", ) self.options.declare( "mission_name", default=None, types=str, allow_none=True, desc="The mission name. Required if mission file defines several missions.", ) self.options.declare( "use_initializer_iteration", default=True, types=bool, desc="During first solver loop, a complete mission computation can fail or consume " "useless CPU-time.\n" "When activated, this option ensures the first iteration is done using a simple,\n" "dummy, formula instead of the specified mission.\n" "Set this option to False if you do expect this model to be computed only once.", ) self.options.declare( "adjust_fuel", default=True, types=bool, desc="If True, block fuel will fit fuel consumption during mission.\n" "If False, block fuel will be taken from input data.", ) self.options.declare( "compute_TOW", default=False, types=bool, desc="If True, TakeOff Weight will be computed from mission block fuel and ZFW.\n" "If False, block fuel will be computed from TOW and ZFW.\n" "Not used (actually forced to True) if adjust_fuel is True.", ) self.options.declare( "add_solver", default=False, types=bool, desc="Not used if compute_TOW is False.\n" "Otherwise, setting this option to False will deactivate the local solver.\n" "Useful if a global solver is used.", ) self.options.declare( "is_sizing", default=False, types=bool, desc="If True, TOW will be considered equal to MTOW and mission payload will be " "considered equal to design payload.", )
[docs] def setup(self): if "::" in self.options["mission_file_path"]: # The configuration file parser will have added the working directory before # the file name. But as the user-provided string begins with "::", we just # have to ignore all before "::". i = self.options["mission_file_path"].index("::") file_name = self.options["mission_file_path"][i + 2 :] + ".yml" with path(resources, file_name) as mission_input_file: self.options["mission_file_path"] = MissionDefinition(mission_input_file) mission_wrapper = MissionWrapper(self.options["mission_file_path"]) if self.options["mission_name"] is None: self.options["mission_name"] = mission_wrapper.get_unique_mission_name() mission_name = self.options["mission_name"] self.add_subsystem("ZFW_computation", self._get_zfw_component(mission_name), promotes=["*"]) if self.options["adjust_fuel"]: self.options["compute_TOW"] = True self.connect( "data:mission:%s:needed_onboard_fuel_at_takeoff" % mission_name, "data:mission:%s:onboard_fuel_at_takeoff" % mission_name, ) if self.options["add_solver"]: self.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearBlockGS(maxiter=30, rtol=1.0e-4, iprint=0) self.linear_solver = om.DirectSolver() if self.options["compute_TOW"]: self.add_subsystem( "TOW_computation", self._get_tow_component(mission_name), promotes=["*"] ) mission_options = dict(self.options.items()) del mission_options["adjust_fuel"] del mission_options["compute_TOW"] del mission_options["add_solver"] del mission_options["mission_file_path"] mission_options["mission_wrapper"] = mission_wrapper mission_options["mission_name"] = mission_name self.add_subsystem( "mission_computation", MissionComponent(**mission_options), promotes=["*"] ) self.add_subsystem( "block_fuel_computation", self._get_block_fuel_component(mission_name), promotes=["*"], )
@property def flight_points(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Dataframe that lists all computed flight point data.""" return self.mission_computation.flight_points def _get_zfw_component(self, mission_name: str) -> om.AddSubtractComp: """ :param mission_name: :return: component that computes Zero Fuel Weight from OWE and mission payload """ if self.options["is_sizing"]: payload_var = "data:weight:aircraft:payload" else: payload_var = "data:mission:%s:payload" % mission_name zfw_computation = om.AddSubtractComp() zfw_computation.add_equation( "data:mission:%s:ZFW" % mission_name, ["data:weight:aircraft:OWE", payload_var], units="kg", desc='Zero Fuel Weight for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) return zfw_computation @staticmethod def _get_tow_component(mission_name: str) -> om.AddSubtractComp: """ :param mission_name: :return: component that computes TakeOff Weight from ZFW and loaded fuel at takeoff """ tow_computation = om.AddSubtractComp() tow_computation.add_equation( "data:mission:%s:TOW" % mission_name, [ "data:mission:%s:ZFW" % mission_name, "data:mission:%s:onboard_fuel_at_takeoff" % mission_name, ], units="kg", desc='TakeOff Weight for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) return tow_computation @staticmethod def _get_block_fuel_component(mission_name: str) -> om.AddSubtractComp: """ :param mission_name: :return: component that computes initial block fuel from TOW and ZFW """ block_fuel_computation = om.AddSubtractComp() block_fuel_computation.add_equation( "data:mission:%s:block_fuel" % mission_name, [ "data:mission:%s:TOW" % mission_name, "data:mission:%s:taxi_out:fuel" % mission_name, "data:mission:%s:takeoff:fuel" % mission_name, "data:mission:%s:ZFW" % mission_name, ], units="kg", scaling_factors=[1, 1, 1, -1], desc='Loaded fuel before taxi-out for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) return block_fuel_computation
[docs]class MissionComponent(om.ExplicitComponent): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Computes a mission as specified in mission input file Options: - propulsion_id: (mandatory) the identifier of the propulsion wrapper. - out_file: if provided, a csv file will be written at provided path with all computed flight points. - mission_wrapper: the MissionWrapper instance that defines the mission. - use_initializer_iteration: During first solver loop, a complete mission computation can fail or consume useless CPU-time. When activated, this option ensures the first iteration is done using a simple, dummy, formula instead of the specified mission. Set this option to False if you do expect this model to be computed only once. - is_sizing: if True, TOW will be considered equal to MTOW and mission payload will be considered equal to design payload. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.flight_points = None self._engine_wrapper = None self._mission_wrapper: MissionWrapper = None self._mission_vars: _MissionVariables = None
[docs] def initialize(self): self.options.declare("propulsion_id", default="", types=str) self.options.declare("out_file", default="", types=str) self.options.declare("use_initializer_iteration", default=True, types=bool) self.options.declare("mission_wrapper", types=MissionWrapper) self.options.declare("mission_name", types=str) self.options.declare("is_sizing", default=False, types=bool)
[docs] def setup(self): self._engine_wrapper = self._get_engine_wrapper() self._engine_wrapper.setup(self) self._mission_wrapper = self.options["mission_wrapper"] self._mission_wrapper.setup(self, self.options["mission_name"]) mission_name = self.options["mission_name"] self._mission_vars = _MissionVariables( TOW="data:mission:%s:TOW" % mission_name, NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL="data:mission:%s:needed_block_fuel" % mission_name, NEEDED_FUEL_AT_TAKEOFF="data:mission:%s:needed_onboard_fuel_at_takeoff" % mission_name, TAXI_OUT_DURATION="data:mission:%s:taxi_out:duration" % mission_name, TAXI_OUT_THRUST_RATE="data:mission:%s:taxi_out:thrust_rate" % mission_name, TAXI_OUT_FUEL="data:mission:%s:taxi_out:fuel" % mission_name, TAKEOFF_FUEL="data:mission:%s:takeoff:fuel" % mission_name, TAKEOFF_ALTITUDE="data:mission:%s:takeoff:altitude" % mission_name, TAKEOFF_V2="data:mission:%s:takeoff:V2" % mission_name, ) self.add_input("data:geometry:propulsion:engine:count", 2) self.add_input("data:geometry:wing:area", np.nan, units="m**2") self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TOW, np.nan, units="kg", desc='TakeOff Weight for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_DURATION, np.nan, units="s", desc='duration of taxi-out in mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_THRUST_RATE, np.nan, units="s", desc='thrust rate during taxi-out in mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_ALTITUDE, np.nan, units="m", desc='altitude of airport for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_FUEL, np.nan, units="kg", desc='burned fuel during takeoff phase of mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_input( self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_V2, np.nan, units="m/s", desc='takeoff safety speed for mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_output( self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_FUEL, units="kg", desc='burned fuel during taxi-out of mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) self.add_output( self._mission_vars.NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL, units="kg", desc='Needed fuel to complete mission "%s", including reserve fuel' % mission_name, ) self.add_output( self._mission_vars.NEEDED_FUEL_AT_TAKEOFF, units="kg", desc='fuel quantity at instant of takeoff of mission "%s"' % mission_name, ) if self.options["is_sizing"]: self.add_output("data:weight:aircraft:sizing_block_fuel", units="kg") self.add_output("data:weight:aircraft:sizing_onboard_fuel_at_takeoff", units="kg")
[docs] def setup_partials(self): self.declare_partials(["*"], ["*"], method="fd")
[docs] def compute(self, inputs, outputs, discrete_inputs=None, discrete_outputs=None): iter_count = self.iter_count_without_approx message_prefix = "Mission computation - iteration %i : " % iter_count if iter_count == 0 and self.options["use_initializer_iteration"]: + "Using initializer computation. OTHER ITERATIONS NEEDED.") self._compute_breguet(inputs, outputs) else: + "Using mission definition.") self._compute_mission(inputs, outputs)
def _compute_breguet(self, inputs, outputs): """ Computes mission using simple Breguet formula at altitude==100m and Mach 0.1 (but max L/D ratio is assumed anyway) Useful only for initiating the computation. :param inputs: OpenMDAO input vector :param outputs: OpenMDAO output vector """ propulsion_model = FuelEngineSet( self._engine_wrapper.get_model(inputs), inputs["data:geometry:propulsion:engine:count"] ) high_speed_polar = self._get_initial_polar(inputs) distance = np.asscalar( np.sum(self._mission_wrapper.get_route_ranges(inputs, self.options["mission_name"])) ) altitude = 100.0 cruise_mach = 0.1 breguet = BreguetCruiseSegment( FlightPoint(ground_distance=distance), propulsion=propulsion_model, polar=high_speed_polar, use_max_lift_drag_ratio=True, ) start_point = FlightPoint( mass=inputs[self._mission_vars.TOW], altitude=altitude, mach=cruise_mach ) flight_points = breguet.compute_from(start_point) end_point = FlightPoint.create(flight_points.iloc[-1]) outputs[self._mission_vars.NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL] = start_point.mass - end_point.mass @staticmethod def _get_initial_polar(inputs) -> Polar: """ At computation start, polar may be irrelevant and give a very low lift/drag ratio. In that case, this method returns a fake polar that has 10.0 as max lift drag ratio. Otherwise, the actual cruise polar is returned. """ high_speed_polar = Polar( inputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:cruise:CL"], inputs["data:aerodynamics:aircraft:cruise:CD"], ) use_minimum_l_d_ratio = False try: if ( high_speed_polar.optimal_cl / < 10.0 ): use_minimum_l_d_ratio = True except ZeroDivisionError: use_minimum_l_d_ratio = True if use_minimum_l_d_ratio: # We replace by a polar that has at least 10.0 as max L/D ratio high_speed_polar = Polar(np.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0]), np.array([0.1, 0.05, 1.0])) return high_speed_polar def _compute_mission(self, inputs, outputs): """ Computes mission using time-step integration. :param inputs: OpenMDAO input vector :param outputs: OpenMDAO output vector """ propulsion_model = FuelEngineSet( self._engine_wrapper.get_model(inputs), inputs["data:geometry:propulsion:engine:count"] ) reference_area = inputs["data:geometry:wing:area"] self._mission_wrapper.propulsion = propulsion_model self._mission_wrapper.reference_area = reference_area self._compute_taxi_out(inputs, outputs, propulsion_model) end_of_takeoff = FlightPoint( time=0.0, mass=inputs[self._mission_vars.TOW], true_airspeed=inputs[self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_V2], altitude=inputs[self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_ALTITUDE] + 35 * foot, ground_distance=0.0, ) self.flight_points = self._mission_wrapper.compute(inputs, outputs, end_of_takeoff) # Final ================================================================ end_of_mission = FlightPoint.create(self.flight_points.iloc[-1]) reserve = self._mission_wrapper.get_reserve( self.flight_points, self.options["mission_name"] ) zfw = end_of_mission.mass - reserve reserve_name = self._mission_wrapper.get_reserve_variable_name() if reserve_name in outputs: outputs[reserve_name] = reserve outputs[self._mission_vars.NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL] = ( inputs[self._mission_vars.TOW] + inputs[self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_FUEL] + outputs[self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_FUEL] - zfw ) outputs[self._mission_vars.NEEDED_FUEL_AT_TAKEOFF] = ( outputs[self._mission_vars.NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL] - inputs[self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_FUEL] - outputs[self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_FUEL] ) if self.options["is_sizing"]: outputs["data:weight:aircraft:sizing_block_fuel"] = outputs[ self._mission_vars.NEEDED_BLOCK_FUEL ] outputs["data:weight:aircraft:sizing_onboard_fuel_at_takeoff"] = outputs[ self._mission_vars.NEEDED_FUEL_AT_TAKEOFF ] def as_scalar(value): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return np.asscalar(value) return value self.flight_points = self.flight_points.applymap(as_scalar) rename_dict = { field_name: "%s [%s]" % (field_name, unit) for field_name, unit in FlightPoint.get_units().items() } self.flight_points.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) if self.options["out_file"]: self.flight_points.to_csv(self.options["out_file"]) def _compute_taxi_out(self, inputs, outputs, propulsion_model): """ Computes the taxi-out segment. """ start_of_taxi_out = FlightPoint( altitude=inputs[self._mission_vars.TAKEOFF_ALTITUDE], true_airspeed=0.0, # start mass is irrelevant here as long it does not get negative during computation. mass=inputs[self._mission_vars.TOW], ) taxi_segment = TaxiSegment( target=FlightPoint(time=inputs[self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_DURATION],), thrust_rate=inputs[self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_THRUST_RATE], propulsion=propulsion_model, ) flight_points = taxi_segment.compute_from(start_of_taxi_out) end_of_taxi_out = flight_points.iloc[-1] outputs[self._mission_vars.TAXI_OUT_FUEL] = start_of_taxi_out.mass - end_of_taxi_out.mass def _get_engine_wrapper(self) -> IOMPropulsionWrapper: """ Overloading this method allows to define the engine without relying on the propulsion option. (useful for tests) :return: the engine wrapper instance """ return RegisterPropulsion.get_provider(self.options["propulsion_id"])