fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.mission_builder module

Mission generator.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.mission_builder.MissionBuilder(mission_definition: Union[str, fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.schema.MissionDefinition], *, propulsion: Optional[fastoad.model_base.propulsion.IPropulsion] = None, reference_area: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Bases: object

This class builds and computes a mission from a provided definition.

  • mission_definition – as file path or MissionDefinition instance

  • propulsion – if not provided, the property propulsion must be set before calling build()

  • reference_area – if not provided, the property reference_area must be set before calling build()

property definition: fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.schema.MissionDefinition

The mission definition instance.

If it is set as a file path, then the matching file will be read and interpreted.

property propulsion: fastoad.model_base.propulsion.IPropulsion

Propulsion model for performance computation.

property reference_area: float

Reference area for aerodynamic polar.

build(inputs: Optional[Mapping] = None, mission_name: Optional[str] = None)fastoad.models.performances.mission.base.FlightSequence[source]

Builds the flight sequence from definition file.

  • inputs – if provided, any input parameter that is a string which matches a key of inputs will be replaced by the corresponding value

  • mission_name – mission name (can be omitted if only one mission is defined)


get_route_ranges(inputs: Optional[Mapping] = None, mission_name: Optional[str] = None)List[float][source]
  • inputs – if provided, any input parameter that is a string which matches a key of inputs will be replaced by the corresponding value

  • mission_name – mission name (can be omitted if only one mission is defined)


list of flight ranges for each element of the flight sequence that is a route

get_reserve(flight_points: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, mission_name: Optional[str] = None)float[source]

Computes the reserve fuel according to definition in mission input file.

  • flight_points – the dataframe returned by compute_from() method of the instance returned by build()

  • mission_name – mission name (can be omitted if only one mission is defined)


the reserve fuel mass in kg, or 0.0 if no reserve is defined.

get_input_variables(mission_name=None)Dict[str, str][source]

Identify variables for a defined mission.


mission_name – mission name (can be omitted if only one mission is defined)


a dict where key, values are names, units.


Provides mission name if only one mission is defined in mission file.


the mission name, if only one mission is defined


FastMissionFileMissingMissionNameError – if several missions are defined in mission file