fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.speed_change module

Classes for acceleration/deceleration segments.

class fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.speed_change.SpeedChangeSegment(target: fastoad.model_base.flight_point.FlightPoint, propulsion: fastoad.model_base.propulsion.IPropulsion, polar: fastoad.models.performances.mission.polar.Polar, reference_area: float, time_step: float = 0.2, engine_setting: fastoad.constants.EngineSetting = EngineSetting.CLIMB, altitude_bounds: tuple = (- 500.0, 40000.0), mach_bounds: tuple = (0.0, 5.0), name: str = '', interrupt_if_getting_further_from_target: bool = True, thrust_rate: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: fastoad.models.performances.mission.segments.base.ManualThrustSegment

Computes a flight path segment where speed is modified with no change in altitude.

The target must define a speed value among true_airspeed, equivalent_airspeed and mach.

target: FlightPoint

A FlightPoint instance that provides parameter values that should all be reached at the end of compute_from(). Possible parameters depend on the current segment. A parameter can also be set to CONSTANT_VALUE to tell that initial value should be kept during all segment.

propulsion: IPropulsion

A IPropulsion instance that will be called at each time step.

polar: Polar

The Polar instance that will provide drag data.

reference_area: float

The reference area, in m**2.