Source code for fastoad.models.performances.mission.mission_definition.mission_builder.input_definition

"""Management of mission input definitions."""
#  This file is part of FAST-OAD : A framework for rapid Overall Aircraft Design
#  Copyright (C) 2022 ONERA & ISAE-SUPAERO
#  FAST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from dataclasses import InitVar, dataclass, field
from numbers import Number
from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from openmdao import api as om

from fastoad.model_base import FlightPoint
from fastoad.openmdao.variables import Variable
from .constants import BASE_UNITS

[docs]@dataclass class InputDefinition: """ Class for managing definition of mission inputs. It stores and processes input definition from mission files: - provides values to be used for mission computation (management of units and variables) - provides information for OpenMDAO declaration """ #: The parameter this input is defined for. parameter_name: str #: Value, matching `input_unit`. At instantiation, it can also be the variable name. input_value: Optional[Union[Number, Iterable, str]] #: Unit used for self.input_value. input_unit: Optional[str] = None #: Default value. Used if value is a variable name. default_value: Number = np.nan #: True if variable is defined as relative. is_relative: bool = False #: Prefix used when generating variable name because "~" was used in variable name input. part_identifier: str = "" #: Unit used for self.value. Automatically determined from self.parameter_name, #: mainly from unit definition for FlightPoint class. output_unit: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False, repr=False) #: Value of the "shape" openMDAO flag for input declaration. shape: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None #: Value of the "shape_by_conn" openMDAO flag for input declaration. shape_by_conn: bool = False #: Prefix used when replacement of "~" is needed. prefix: str = "" #: Used only for tests variable_name: InitVar[Optional[str]] = None #: Used only for tests use_opposite: InitVar[Optional[bool]] = None #: True if the opposite value should be used, if input is defined by a variable. _use_opposite: bool = field(default=False, init=False, repr=True) _variable_name: Optional[str] = field(default=None, init=False, repr=True) def __post_init__(self, variable_name, use_opposite): if self.parameter_name.startswith("delta_"): self.is_relative = True self.parameter_name = self.parameter_name[6:] self.output_unit = FlightPoint.get_units().get(self.parameter_name) if self.output_unit is None: self.output_unit = BASE_UNITS.get(self.parameter_name) if self.output_unit == "-": self.output_unit = None if self.input_unit is None: self.input_unit = self.output_unit if variable_name and not isinstance(variable_name, property): # dataclass "feature": default value of 'variable_name' is 'property' because it # is defined as a property. self.variable_name = variable_name self.input_value = None elif isinstance(self.input_value, str) and ( ":" in self.input_value or self.input_value.startswith(("~", "-~")) ): # This is done at end of initialization, because self.variable_name property may need # data as self.parameter_name, self.prefix... self.variable_name = self.input_value self.input_value = None if use_opposite is not None: self._use_opposite = use_opposite @property def value(self): """ :return: Value of variable in DEFAULT unit (unit used by mission calculation), or None if input is a variable and set_variable_input() has NOT been called, or the unchanged value if it is not a number. """ try: return om.convert_units(self.input_value, self.input_unit, self.output_unit) except TypeError: return self.input_value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, parameter_name, definition_dict: dict, part_identifier=None, prefix=None): """ Instantiates InputDefinition from definition_dict. definition_dict["value"] is used as `input_value` in instantiation. It can be an actual value or a variable name. :param parameter_name: used if definition_dict["value"] == "~" (or "-~") :param definition_dict: dict with keys ("value", "unit", "default"). "unit" and "default" are optional. :param part_identifier: used if "~" is in definition_dict["value"] :param prefix: used if "~" is in definition_dict["value"] """ if "value" not in definition_dict: return None input_def = cls( parameter_name, definition_dict["value"], input_unit=definition_dict.get("unit"), default_value=definition_dict.get("default", np.nan), shape_by_conn=definition_dict.get("shape_by_conn", False), part_identifier=part_identifier, prefix=prefix, ) return input_def
[docs] def set_variable_value(self, inputs: Mapping): """ Sets numerical value from OpenMDAO inputs. OpenMDAO value is assumed to be provided with unit self.input_unit. :param inputs: """ if self.variable_name: # Note: OpenMDAO `inputs` object has no `get()` method, so we need to do this: value = ( inputs[self.variable_name] if self.variable_name in inputs else self.default_value ) if self._use_opposite: self.input_value = -value else: self.input_value = value
[docs] def get_input_definition(self) -> Optional[Variable]: """ Provides information for input definition in OpenMDAO. :return: Variable instance with input definition, or None if no variable name was defined. """ if self.variable_name: return Variable( name=self.variable_name, val=self.default_value, shape_by_conn=self.shape_by_conn, units=self.input_unit, desc="Input defined by the mission.", ) return None
# pylint: disable=function-redefined # the variable_name field is an InitVar. @property def variable_name(self): """Associated variable name.""" return self._variable_name @variable_name.setter def variable_name(self, var_name: Optional[str]): if isinstance(var_name, str): self._use_opposite = var_name.startswith("-") var_name = var_name.strip("- ") if "~" in var_name: # We authorize colons next to "~", but we do as they were not present. var_name = var_name.replace(":~", "~").replace("~:", "~") parts = var_name.replace(":~", "~").split("~") if len(parts) > 2: # Hidden feature for now: using a double tilda (~~) will trigger # a replacement by the mission name only # (useful for backward compatibility since we need to provide # "data:mission:<mission_name>:TOW" as variable prefix = parts[0] suffix = parts[-1] part_identifier = self.part_identifier.split(":")[0] else: # Standard case with simple tilda prefix, suffix = var_name.replace(":~", "~").split("~") part_identifier = self.part_identifier if not prefix: # If nothing before "~", a default value is used prefix = self.prefix if not suffix: # If nothing after "~", the parameter name is used suffix = self.parameter_name var_name = ":".join([prefix, part_identifier, suffix]) self._variable_name = var_name else: self._variable_name = None def __str__(self): return str(self.value)